1: I dont know.
2: I dont think its posible. topuser and nearuser are hardcoded to show the top 18 and your place in the database white 8 places above and 9 places below your points.
3: You can manualy delete entries in the database by using a sqlite-manager like the free one for Firefox http://code.google.com/p/sqlite-manager/
I think its more easy to use for the key in database Year_Month_Day
Then its more to find and delete the old months in the database.
topUser( title,key,DESC,argv );
key="2010_october_01%" // Find result for all races on october 01 2010
key="2010_october%" // Find result for all races in october 2010
key="2010%" // Find result for all races in 2010
key="%" // All cumulated result
If a player have a 30 second penalty the $flagConfirm must be 16 (CONF_PENALTY_30) + 2 (CONF_CONFIRMED) = 18
If a player have a 45 second penalty the $flagConfirm must be 32 (CONF_PENALTY_45) + 2 (CONF_CONFIRMED) = 34
Event OnResult( $userName,$flagConfirm ) # Player event
SWITCH( GetCurrentPlayerVar("FinishedPos") ) CASE 1: IF( $flagConfirm == 2 || $flagConfirm == 18 || $flagConfirm == 34 ) THEN show and give points
1: When a button is clickable ( when you use -1 ) and using a backcall you always get the mouse cursor.
2: I use the delayedcommand method in mine scripts and mostly it works ok, very some time it skips a number but mine server is not the fasted one.(P4 1.5Gz 512Mb) so maybe its that why it skips sometimes a number at mine server.
3: In case of using the Event OnFinish( $userName ) you have to use
Event OnResult( $userName,$flagConfirm ) # Player event IF(GetCurrentPlayerVar("FinishedPos")==1) THEN $delay=60; DelayedCommand( $delay, start_countdown ); ENDIF EndEvent
If you want to start the restart counter as the last driver finish the race you have to count all drivers at the start of race and when someone leave the race its number of drivers - 1 .
At the end of the race just count how many people are finisished the race and by the last start the restart counter. ( and set no mid race join )
I tested PRISM 0.1.9 and it worked good.
Win7 32 and PHP 5.3.3
The autoini wizzard works super. very good idea
I have some questions
1: Is it posible (in future) to start the wizzard again to make changes (to add or remove Plugins) or to add or remover a server?
2: Is it posible (in future) to start or stop PRISM to one or more servers?
example: type !stop [ID of host] to stop PRISM on that host or type !start [ID of host] to start PRISM on that host
trim( subStr( $id,11 )); Remove the first part of a string to the 11nd character
Here some extra info about SubStr() ,Trim() and StrLen()
SubStr() example: $string = "example"; $example = substr( $string,0,3 ); #Start at the begining ( 0) and give the next 3 characters $example = "exa"; $example = substr( $string,4,2 ); #Start the the 4e character and give the next 2 characters $example = "pl";
StrLen() example: $string = "example"; $example = StrLen( $string ); #Gives the lenght of a string $example = 7;
Trim() example: $string = "example"; $example = trim( subStr( $string,2 ) ); #Remove the first part of a string to the 2nd character $example = "ample";
I have the same bug with lapper version 6.0 but its with !mypb incase of !myconfig.
When you go to the last page and click on ">" the OK button goes to above and you cant close !mypb when clicking the OK button.
When typing !mypb again and click OK the "<" stays on the screen.
Just edit (with notepad) the ConvWr.bat and run the ConvWr.bat
You have to create first a Ident-Key at www.lfsworld.net by "My LFSW settings" tab "Pubstat access" and click "Generate Ident-Key"
The graph is auto created when the next race is started. Or start LFS start LFS Stats , play the replay and go to end of the race and play it till the replay is over.
You can always see what kind of controller someone is using by pressing the "N" till you see the connection box.
And with Lapper its posible to detect what kind of controller someone used and you can do something with that. ( Show a text or spectate or put in a database. )